The report has landed

The report has landed

We are proud to be able to present documentation of Fiberbinders efficiency in relation to binding dusty fibers from building materials. The report which is created by DanskMiljøanalyse shows that Fiberbinder® can reduce the concentration of airborne fibers under controlled conditions by up to 97%.

The test also shows that Fiberbinder® retains its greasy surface for a long time after application and that the product’s added fluorescence facilitates documentation for correct application using UV light for use in quality control.

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The report has landed

We are proud to be able to present documentation of Fiberbinders efficiency in relation to binding dusty fibers from building materials. The report which is created

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Det kolde vejr er over os

Nattefrost og middeldøgns-temperaturer på under 5° er et problem for andre støv-bindere, såsom forseglere og maling.  

Fiberbinder® kan derimod både opbevares og påføres i temperaturer ned til minus 10-15°, så byggeriet kan roligt fortsætte i den kolde tid.