Fiberbinder® Copenhagen
Roholmsvej 8, 2620 Albertslund
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
CVR: 42040886
Fiberbinder® Odense
Kochsgade 31D, 5000 Odense C
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
Medlem af:

Fiberbinder® has been thoroughly tested in both practical and laboratory experiments by Dansk MiljøAnalyse, and there is documentation that with the FiberbinderMethod®, up to 97% reduction in the number of fibers in the air can be achieved.
A report containing documentation and a description of the thorough testing can be found here.
When it comes to harmful fibers such as asbestos and mineral wool, it is important to use solutions that have documented effectiveness.
The consequences of using undocumented solutions can be significant, both in terms of the health and well-being of the craftsmen and adviso involved, as well as the lifespan of the building materials on which the solutions are applied.
Until now, various other products have been attempted to address the challenge of not being able to vacuum all asbestos fibers away. These have included the use of glasses with water, paint, microdispersions, and other forms of surface treatments.
However, these products have been developed for other applications, and there is no documentation regarding their effectiveness in fixing asbestos and mineral wool fibers.
Fiberbinder® has been developed with the sole purpose of fixing fibers and dust, and the product has been extensively tested by experts at Dansk MiljøAnalyse over several years, with detailed descriptions of the experimental setup and test results.
The results are conclusive, and there is thorough documentation that the FiberbinderMethod® leads to a significant reduction in fibers in the air and thus a substantial improvement in the working environment.
Fiberbinder® Copenhagen
Roholmsvej 8, 2620 Albertslund
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
CVR: 42040886
Fiberbinder® Odense
Kochsgade 31D, 5000 Odense C
Tlf. +45 53 81 94 00
Nattefrost og middeldøgns-temperaturer på under 5° er et problem for andre støv-bindere, såsom forseglere og maling.
Fiberbinder® kan derimod både opbevares og påføres i temperaturer ned til minus 10-15°, så byggeriet kan roligt fortsætte i den kolde tid.